Help Your Self


About Help Your Self

Help yourself" means to take proactive steps to improve your own well-being, whether it be physical, mental, or emotional, by engaging in activities that promote self-care, personal growth, and positive lifestyle choices, essentially taking responsibility for your own happiness and success.

that promote self-care, personal growth, and positive lifestyle choices, essentially taking responsibility for your own happiness and success.



Rewards-Based Crowdfunding

Backers receive a reward or product in return for their financial support (e.g., Kickstarter, Indiegogo).


Equity Crowdfunding

Investors receive shares in a company in exchange for their investment (e.g., SeedInvest, Crowdcube).


Debt Crowdfundingy

Individuals lend money with the expectation of being paid back with interest (e.g., LendingClub, Prosper).


Donation-Based Crowdfundingy

Funds are raised for charitable causes or projects without expecting anything in return (e.g., GoFundMe, YouCaring).



Equity Crowdfunding

Investors receive equity or shares in the venture.

Fundraising Events

Charities organize events (like marathons) to raise funds.

Debt Crowdfunding

Contributors lend money to a project in exchange for interest rewards.